Flexible Package

Dynamic SMS Sender ID

With Dynamic SMS Sender ID, you can display your company name as the sender of each text message, transforming simple SMS into a powerful branding tool.
Flexible Package

Interactive SMS Campaigns

Take engagement to the next level with Interactive SMS Campaigns. Craft messages that allow recipients to make selections or choices right within the SMS.
Flexible Package

AI-Powered Insights

Harness the potential of AI with AI-Powered Insights. Our advanced algorithms analyze recipient responses, engagement patterns, and conversion rates .
Flexible Package

Geo-Targeted Messaging

Reach the right audience with Geo-Targeted Messaging. Send SMS messages based on a recipient's geographic location, enabling you to offer location-specific promotions and deals.
Flexible Package

Automated Drip Campaigns

Streamline your marketing efforts with Automated Drip Campaigns. Set up sequences of SMS messages that are automatically sent at precisely timed intervals in the customer journey.
Flexible Package

Keyword-Based Opt-Ins

Enable easy opt-ins with Keyword-Based Opt-Ins. Assign keywords that customers can text to subscribe to your SMS updates. Simplify the subscription process and grow your contact list.
Flexible Package

Detailed Delivery Reports

Gain valuable insights with Detailed Delivery Reports. Our reports provide a comprehensive view of SMS delivery, open rates, click-through rates, and more.
Flexible Package

Multi-Language Support

Expand your reach with Multi-Language Support. Translate SMS messages into any language with ease. You don't need programming knowledge.
Flexible Package

Advanced API Integration

Extend SMS services to your websites and software with Advanced API Integration. Our APIs and callable services offer flexibility and creativity in how you use them
Flexible Package

A/B Testing for Optimization

Maximize the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns with A/B Testing for Optimization. Experiment with different message variations, sending times, and calls to action.
Flexible Package

SMS Automation Hub

Centralize and streamline your SMS marketing efforts with the SMS Automation Hub. Manage campaigns, schedule messages, track performance, & analyze data.
Flexible Package

Keyword Analytics

Dive deep into keyword performance with Keyword Analytics. Track which keywords drive the most subscriptions and engagement.
Flexible Package

Global SMS Gateway

Reach customers across the globe with Global SMS Gateway Integration. SMS Ninja supports over 120+ popular SMS gateways, ensuring your messages reach their destination.
Flexible Package

SMS Personalization Engine

Craft personalized SMS messages effortlessly with our SMS Personalization Engine. Use recipient data to dynamically customize message content.
Flexible Package

24/7 Customer Support

SMS Ninja provide you a count on round-the-clock support with our 24/7 Customer Support. Whether you have.

About Us

Pioneering SMS Marketing Excellence

At SMS Ninja, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of revolutionizing SMS marketing. Our journey began with a vision to provide businesses a platform to connect, engage, and succeed through the power of personalized SMS campaigns.

Reliable Performance

Count on SMS Ninja for dependable, timely, and efficient SMS delivery, ensuring your messages reach the right audience at the right time.

Innovative Solutions

Stay ahead in the fast-paced world of marketing with our innovative features and tools designed to enhance your SMS campaigns.

323 K+

Daily Notifications

105 m

Successful Transactions

50 K+

Archive Management

250 m

Daily Notifications

SMS Ninja Benefits to Your Business

"Boosting Business Brilliance"

Enhanced Customer Engagement

SMS Ninja empowers you to engage with your customers on a personal level. Send targeted messages, promotions, and updates directly to their mobile devices. Reach your audience instantly, no matter where they are, and watch your customer engagement soar.

Increased ROI

Invest in SMS Ninja, and you'll see a remarkable return on investment. With high open rates and impressive conversion rates, your marketing efforts will translate into revenue. SMS campaigns offer a cost-effective way to maximize your ROI and boost your bottom line.

Time-Efficient Marketing

SMS Ninja streamlines your marketing efforts with automation and scheduling features. Craft messages in advance, set delivery times, and let the platform do the work for you. This efficiency frees up your time to focus on other critical aspects of your business.

Real-Time Analytics

Stay informed with real-time analytics provided by SMS Ninja. Monitor the performance of your SMS campaigns, track delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates. Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions and continuously improve your messaging strategies.

Personalization Power

Personalization is key in today's marketing landscape, and SMS Ninja makes it effortless. Address customers by name, send personalized offers, and tailor your messages to their preferences. This level of customization strengthens customer relationships and drives loyalty.

Global Reach

Expand your business horizons with SMS Ninja's global reach. Reach customers across the globe with ease. Whether you're running local promotions or catering to an international audience, SMS Ninja ensures your messages are delivered reliably.

Increased Customer Loyalty

Consistent and personalized communication through SMS fosters customer loyalty. Keep your audience engaged with updates, exclusive offers, and timely information. Happy, loyal customers are more likely to return and recommend your business to others.

Multi-Channel Integration

SMS Ninja seamlessly integrates with your existing marketing channels. Combine the power of SMS with email, social media, and other communication platforms for a cohesive and effective marketing strategy.

High Open Rates

SMS boasts incredibly high open rates, making it one of the most effective ways to ensure your message is seen. With SMS Ninja, your important communications are virtually impossible to ignore.

Cost-Effective Marketing

SMS marketing is not only highly effective but also budget-friendly. SMS Ninja offers cost-effective solutions that enable you to reach your audience without draining your marketing budget.

Pricing Plans

Choose the Plan That Fits Your SMS Marketing Needs

Discover our flexible pricing options tailored to meet the diverse requirements of businesses, big and small. At SMS Ninja, we believe in providing accessible and affordable solutions to enhance your SMS marketing campaigns. Whether you're just starting or scaling up your marketing efforts, find the perfect plan to elevate your business and connect with your audience effectively.


99.9 Uptime Guarantee


99.9 Uptime Guarantee

Este é um teste para engenheiro

Carol Morse


This is test for engineer

Carol Morse


Designer for the construction

Signe Francis


Dedicated labour for construction

Dahlia Petersen
